
Give your students a head start in the digital world with TypeOlymp

Clear insight into students' progress

Track your students' progress with insights into their results, practise time, speed, accuracy and more.

Easily manage classrooms

Managing multiple classrooms? No problem. You can add students for each class. Manually or import a student list.

Adjustable curriculum

Prevent enthusiastic students from rushing through the course. Set ‘start dates’ for exercises so they will automatically become available.

Ready to send your students confidently into the digital world?

Our online typing course combines learning, fun and competition in the best way. Sign up as a teacher and start using TypeOlymp in your classroom for free.


Educational institutions

Students from more than 400 schools are learning touch typing with TypeOlymp


Active users

Around 8,000 students are currently taking our online typing course


Passed students

1,600 students have successfully completed our online typing course


New students

Last month, 300 new students started our typing course

What do other schools think of us?

We have an average rating of 4.8 out of 5, based on 20 reviews.

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Learning together with classmates

Children don't have to follow our course alone. We have built our typing course as an interactive game so that children can learn touch typing together with friends, classmates, and other students.

Learning while gaming

We have built our typing course as an interactive game. By applying gamification, we make learning feel like gaming and challenge children to complete exercises as best as possible and achieve the best results.

With our typing course, you can earn medals, win trophies and try to rank as high as possible on various leaderboards. So, you actually learn touch typing while gaming!

Better school results

Radboud University in Nijmegen has researched the effect of being able to touch-type with ten fingers. This research has shown that children who learn to touch-type at an early age adapt more easily in secondary school.

This will ultimately result in better school performance compared to children who have not learned to touch-type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find your question here? Then check out all the frequently asked questions.

How long does it take to complete the typing course?

Our program has 6 chapters. Each chapter contains about 25 exercises. Depending on how much is practised and the student's level, the exact duration will vary.

Can students continue practising at home?

Yes, once students have received their username and password, they can also log in at home to continue practising. To prevent enthusiastic students from rushing through the course too quickly, you can set a ‘start date’ for each exercise. The exercise is then ‘closed’ and automatically becomes available on this date.

What are the requirements to obtain the typing certificate?

To successfully pass the final exam, 150 keystrokes per minute are required, with an accuracy of 90%.

Sign up as a teacher and start using TypeOlymp in your classroom

Track your students' progress with insights into results, practise time, speed, accuracy and more.


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Based on 20 reviews

English (UK)
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