
Privacy statement


This privacy statement tells you all about how your personal data is collected and how we handle it. It explains where and how we store these data, and for what purposes we do so. You will also find all the rights you have as a consumer with regard to your personal data in this privacy statement. We also explain how you can use these rights.

This privacy statement may be amended from time to time. For example, in connection with changes in legislation. It is therefore advisable to consult the statement periodically.

Who are we?

TypeOlymp is a registered trade name of PIKSL B.V. and is registered at Chamber of Commerce under number 84328517. Our business address is Groenstraat 6, 5386 KW in Geffen. You can reach out to us by e-mail via

Why do we process personal data?

We collect your personal data for a number of purposes. These purposes are explained here:

  • Delivering our services
    To ensure the performance of our services, we use your personal data. For example, to create a personal account and generate a personalised typing certificate.
  • Get in touch
    We need your personal data to get in touch with you. For example, to keep you informed about the progress.
  • Improve our services
    We also use your data to improve our websites and services. Data such as how many minutes a student spends on our course, how many exercises are finished and which operating systems are used for our services.

Which personal data do we process?

We process the following data from a parent/guardian:

  • First and last name;
  • E-mail address

We process the following data from a tutor:

  • Voor- en achternaam;
  • E-mail address

We process the following data from a student:

  • Voor- en achternaam;
  • Date of birth

How long do we keep personal data?

The validity of an account is one year, unless the student has requested an extension. After an account expires, we will close the account and delete/anonymise all associated (personal) data.

How do we secure personal data?

As mentioned, we take the protection of your personal data extremely seriously and take appropriate measures to counter abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised changes. These measures are explained here:

  • Our websites are secured with an SSL certificate.
    You will recognise this security by the lock in front of the URL in the URL bar of your web browser.
  • Passwords are stored encrypted.
    This ensures that passwords are irreversibly encrypted and stored in our database. As a result, your password can never be exposed in the event of a database hack. If you feel that your data is not properly secured? Or do you have indications of misuse? Please send an e-mail to

Do we share personal data with third parties?

We share your personal data with third parties only when necessary to provide our products and services. Where third parties process your personal data on our behalf and according to our strict instructions, those third parties act as so-called processors. TypeOlymp concludes a processor agreement with processors. Thus TypeOlymp ensures that your personal data are always processed in a careful manner, protected with at least the same security level as we use and that the confidentiality of your personal data is guaranteed. TypeOlymp nevertheless remains responsible for this data processing and will therefore take all reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures to secure your personal data against unauthorised access, accidental loss or alteration.

Do we use cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your device when you visit our websites. We use different types of cookies with different purposes. Functional cookies, analytical cookies and third-party cookies. You can find more information about cookies in our cookie policy.

What are your rights?

You have the right to access, correct, delete, restrict or transfer the personal data processed by TypeOlymp, unless TypeOlymp cannot exercise these rights under a legal obligation or where exceptions apply. For example, TypeOlymp is required by legal obligations to retain certain personal data, which means we cannot always delete all your personal data if you request it.

You may send your request to delete your personal details to TypeOlymp wishes to ensure that this request comes from you and that you are who you say you are. If we cannot directly verify that it is you, we may ask you to send a proof of identity (e.g. passport or identity card). We will then respond to your request as soon as possible, but in any case within one month of receipt.

How can you get in touch with us?

If you have any questions about how TypeOlymp handles your personal data, you can contact us by sending an email to

If you believe that TypeOlymp has used your personal data unlawfully or if you are not satisfied with TypeOlymp's response to your query or request, you can file a complaint with the relevant regulator (in the Netherlands, this is the Personal Data Authority). More information on complaint options can be found here. For the contact details of all European privacy regulators, click here.


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